Results for 'Demet Kurtoğlu Taşdelen'

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  1. Hume's Experimental Method.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (3):577-599.
    In this article I attempt to reconstruct David Hume's use of the label ?experimental? to characterise his method in the Treatise. Although its meaning may strike the present-day reader as unusual, such a reconstruction is possible from the background of eighteenth-century practices and concepts of natural inquiry. As I argue, Hume's inquiries into human nature are experimental not primarily because of the way the empirical data he uses are produced, but because of the way those data are theoretically processed. He (...)
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    The uses and abuses of mathematics in early modern philosophy: introduction.Tamás Demeter & Eric Schliesser - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3461-3464.
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    Gesture Use and Processing: A Review on Individual Differences in Cognitive Resources.Demet Özer & Tilbe Göksun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  4. Mental Fictionalism.Tamás Demeter - 2013 - The Monist 96 (4):483-504.
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    Aspecte ale liberalismului englez/ Aspects of British Liberalism.Demeter M. Attila - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):113-121.
    The paper attempts to reconstruct the intellectual frame- work of British liberal tradition focusing on two major problems of it, namely the problem of justice and that of political liberty. The liberal interpretation of justice is meant to tolerate all possible individual views of good life, consequently it cannot be established on one of them. This means that the interpretation of justice shouldn’t be derived from some philosophy, as any interpretation has its basis in the political tradition of modernity. Conse- (...)
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    Political Parties Matter: Explaining Peaceful and Violent State–Islamist Interactions in Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey.Gül M. Kurtoğlu-eski̇şar - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (2):183-207.
    What explains the breakout of violence following the repression of moderate Islamist groups in some Muslim countries? Part of the answer can lie in the political organization style of those groups, which can constrain or expand their long-term strategy choices in unpredicted ways. Using examples from Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, and Turkey, this study suggests that organizing as a political party can initially restrict the means of action otherwise available to a moderate Islamist movement, while the loose framework of a political (...)
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    The view of synthetic biology in the field of ethics: a thematic systematic review.Ayse Kurtoglu, Abdullah Yıldız & Berna Arda - 2024 - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 12.
    Synthetic biology is designing and creating biological tools and systems for useful purposes. It uses knowledge from biology, such as biotechnology, molecular biology, biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and other disciplines, such as engineering, mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. It is recognized as both a branch of science and technology. The scope of synthetic biology ranges from modifying existing organisms to gain new properties to creating a living organism from non-living components. Synthetic biology has many applications in important fields such as (...)
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    The Problem Of Poems' Verb In Turkish.Vefa Taşdelen - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:519-532.
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    The Many Faces of Sociological Interpretation: The Unity of Nyíri's Thought.Tamás Demeter - 2004 - In Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri. Rodopi. pp. 38--1.
    J.C. Nyíri’s work is well-known for his interpretation of Wittgenstein as a conservative thinker. Nevertheless, his reading of Wittgenstein is only one strand, even if presumably the most influential one, in his general interpretation of Austro-Hungarian philosophy. Therefore his reading of Wittgenstein is best understood if viewed as part of a complex, sociologically inspired picture of Austrian philosophy. In this introductory essay I present Nyíri’s work as an exercise in the sociology of philosophical knowledge, broadly understood, and provide a unified (...)
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    Mesleki̇ Ayrişma Ve Kadinin İŞgücüne Katilimi: Kuzey Kibris Örneği̇.Demet Beton Kalmaz & Fatma Güven Li̇nsani̇ler - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (1):1-26.
    Özet Kuzey Kıbrıs emek piyasası üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, toplumsal cinsiyet temelli mesleki ayrışmayı kadının işgücüne düşük katılımını etkileyen en önemli sebeplerden biri olarak tespit etmiştir. Bu çalışma 11 yıl içerisinde bu tespitten yola çıkarak Kuzey Kıbrıs emek piyasasındaki mesleki ayrışmanın büyüklüğünü, zaman içerisindeki değişimini ve bu değişimin kaynaklarını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.Ayrışma, Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi verileri kullanılarak 9 ana mesleki grup için genel, kırsal ve kensel bölgelerde ölçülmüştür. Çalışma bulguları, tüm bölgelerde toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı mesleki ayrışmanın yüksek ve yaygın olduğunu göstermiştir. İndeksin (...)
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    The land of make-believe: metaphor, explanation, and fiction in Toon’s psychological world.Tamás Demeter, László Kocsis & Krisztián Pete - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In Mind as Metaphor, Adam Toon interprets folk psychological discourse metaphorically. Based on Kendall Walton’s theory of metaphor, he argues that folk psychology ought to be understood in terms of prop-oriented make-believe that relies on representationally essential metaphors. Toon insists that this fictionalist view of everyday mental talk preserves what we commonly think folk psychology can achieve: it does not only rationalize but explains behavior causally. In this paper, first we raise concerns about Toon’s characterization of folk psychology as metaphorical. (...)
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  12. Meaning and Cartesian Thoughts.Tamás Demeter - 2001 - Wittgenstein Jahrbuch 2000 1:49-62.
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  13. Where Rationality Is.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - In Barbara Merker (ed.), Verstehen: Nach Heidegger und Brandom. Meiner.
    The paper contrasts Robert Brandom’s account of rationality with that of Daniel Dennett. It argues that neither of them is tenable, and sketches an alternative outlook that avoids the problems. In spite of their fundamental differences, both Brandom and Dennett employ a robust, i.e. explanatory and predictive notion of rationality, and for different reasons they both fail to offer a plausible theory supporting it. The lesson offered here is that rationality should not be treated alongside other norms prescribing behaviour, as (...)
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  14. Locke and Metaphors.Tamás Demeter - 1999 - S - European Journal for Semiotic Studies 11 (1-3):75-88.
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    A Metaphysics for Explanatory Ecumenism.Tamas Demeter - 2003 - Philosophica 71 (1):99-115.
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    Aporetic Role of the Fact of Reason in Kantian Moral Philosophy.Demet Evrenosoglu - 2014 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 15 (1):25-39.
    In the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant invokes the moral law as an underived fact of reason. The aim of this article is to explore the highly debated role of the fact of reason and the nature of this fact, which apparently defies the senses of actuality commonly associated with empirical facts and objective entities. Following David Sussman's interpretation, I argue that the fact of reason not only marks the abandonment of deduction of the moral law but illustrates that the (...)
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    The Role of Paternal Parenting and Co-parenting Quality in Children’s Academic Self-Efficacy.Demet Kara & Nebi Sümer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the unique effect of fathers’ parenting behaviors and the quality of co-parenting described as the degree of consistency between paternal and maternal parenting behaviors on children’s academic self-efficacy. The power of both pancultural parenting behaviors and specific parenting controlling behaviors that are relatively common in Turkish culture in predicting academic self-efficacy was tested. A total of 1,931 children completed measures of parenting behaviors and academic self-efficacy in math and literature courses in their school. Overall, girls reported higher (...)
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    Türk El Sanatları İçerisinde Sigara Ağızlıkları ve Tabakalarının Yeri ve Önemi.Demet Örnek - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):797-797.
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  19. Movilidad torácica y abdominal en adultos jóvenes de ambos sexos sin patología conocida.G. Valenza Demet, C. Villaverde Gutierrez, M. C. Valenza, C. Moreno Lorenzo, M. Botella López, F. M. Ocaña Peinado, Gerald Valenza Demet & F. De Ciencias de la Salud - 2011 - Revista Scientia 16 (2):85-94.
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  20. Mental Fictionalism: Elements in Philosophy of Mind.T. Parent, Adam Toon & Tamas Demeter - manuscript
    [Under contract with CUP, in preparation] What is a mind? Is it possible for a computer or other machine to have a mind? And how would we know? Mental fictionalism offers a new approach to these timely questions. Its central idea is that mental states (thoughts, beliefs, desires) are useful fictions. When we talk about mental states, we should be seen as merely speaking “as if” humans (and perhaps other creatures or even artifacts) had such states, in order to make (...)
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    Institutional Responsibility and the Flawed Genomic Biomarkers at Duke University: A Missed Opportunity for Transparency and Accountability.David L. DeMets, Thomas R. Fleming, Gail Geller & David F. Ransohoff - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1199-1205.
    When there have been substantial failures by institutional leadership in their oversight responsibility to protect research integrity, the public should demand that these be recognized and addressed by the institution itself, or the funding bodies. This commentary discusses a case of research failures in developing genomic predictors for cancer risk assessment and treatment at a leading university. In its review of this case, the Office of Research Integrity, an agency within the US Department of Health and Human Services, focused their (...)
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    Weltanschauung as a priori: sociology of knowledge from a 'romantic' stance.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):39-52.
    In this paper I reconstruct the central concept of the young Lukács’s and Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge, as they present it in their writings in the early decades of the twentieth century. I argue that this concept, namely Weltanschauung, is used to refer to some conceptually unstructured totality of feelings, which they take to be a condition of possibility of intellectual production, and this understanding is contrasted to an alternative construal of the term that presents it as logically structured, quasi-theoretical (...)
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    The social and the medical in Hume.Tamás Demeter - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1438-1447.
    Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2024, Page 1438-1447.
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  24. Folk Psychology Is Not a Metarepresentational Device.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5 (2):19-38.
    Here I challenge the philosophical consensus that we use folk psychology for the purposes of metarepresentation. The paper intends to show that folk psychology should not be conceived on par with fact-stating discourses in spite of what its surface semantics may suggest. I argue that folk-psychological discourse is organised in a way and has conceptual characteristics such that it cannot fulfill a fact-stating function. To support this claim I develop an open question argument for psychological interpretations, and I draw attention (...)
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  25. Two Kinds of Mental Realism.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):59-71.
    I argue that there is a distinction to be drawn between two kinds of mental realism, and I draw some lessons for the realism-antirealism debate. Although it is already at hand, the distinction has not yet been drawn clearly. The difference to be shown consists in what realism is about: it may be either about the interpretation of folk psychology, or the ontology of mental entities. I specify the commitment to the fact-stating character of the discourse as the central component (...)
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    Humeanisms.Tamas Demeter, László Kocsis & Iulian D. Toader (eds.) - 2021 - Synthese.
    This special issue includes papers authored by Sean Morris, Tudor M. Baetu, Tamás Demeter, Dan O’Brien, Barbara Vetter, Daniel Dohrn, Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, Barry Loewer, Aaron Segal, Miren Boehm, Vera Matarese, Stefanie Rocknak, Rachel Cohon, David Mark Kovacs, and Michael Esfeld.
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    İki Osmanlı Aydını, Namık Kemal ve Ahmet Mithat'a Göre İsl'm Uygarlığındaki Bilimsel ve Kültürel Gerilemenin Nedenleri.Vefa Taşdelen - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:2):553-572.
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    Mevl'na ve Kierkegaard'da Birey Tanrı İl.Vefa Taşdelen - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):717-728.
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  29. Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations.Tamás Demeter, T. Parent & Adam Toon (eds.) - 2022 - New York & London: Routledge.
    What are mental states? When we talk about people’s beliefs or desires, are we talking about what is happening inside their heads? If so, might cognitive science show that we are wrong? Might it turn out that mental states do not exist? Mental fictionalism offers a new approach to these longstanding questions about the mind. Its core idea is that mental states are useful fictions. When we talk about mental states, we are not formulating hypotheses about people’s inner machinery. Instead, (...)
  30. Being Charitable to Scientific Controversies.Gábor Á Zemplén & Tamás Demeter - 2010 - The Monist 93 (4):640-656.
    Current philosophical reflections on science have departed from mainstream history of science with respect to both methodology and conclusions. The article investigates how different approaches to reconstructing commitments can explain these differences and facilitate a mutual understanding and communication of these two perspectives on science. Translating the differences into problems pertaining to principles of charity, the paper offers a platform for clarification and resolution of the differences between the two perspectives. The outlined contextual approach occupies a middle ground between mainstream (...)
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    Author Productivity Index: Without Distortions.Marton Demeter - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (5):1661-1663.
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  32. Can the Strong Program Be Generalized?Tamas Demeter - 2009 - Review of Sociology 15 (1):5-16.
    I argue that, despite recent attempts, the strong program in the sociology of knowledge cannot be applied as a general method of inquiry in the history of ideas. My main point is that its methodological commitments only allow the strong program to be fruitful in those fields of knowledge whose content can be given by truth conditions. But even in these fields sociological questions can be asked that are not sensitive to truth conditional content. In these cases, as I argue, (...)
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    A Counterfactual Analysis of Infinite Regress Arguments.İskender Taşdelen - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (2):195-213.
    I propose a counterfactual theory of infinite regress arguments. Most theories of infinite regress arguments present infinite regresses in terms of indicative conditionals. These theories direct us to seek conditions under which an infinite regress generates an infinite inadmissible set. Since in ordinary language infinite regresses are usually expressed by means of infinite sequences of counterfactuals, it is natural to expect that an analysis of infinite regress arguments should be based on a theory of counterfactuals. The Stalnaker–Lewis theory of counterfactuals, (...)
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    Fodor’s guide to the Humean mind.Tamás Demeter - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):5355-5375.
    For Jerry Fodor, Hume’sTreatise of Human Natureis “the foundational document of cognitive science” whose significance transcends mere historical interest: it is a source of theoretical inspiration in cognitive psychology. Here I am going to argue that those reading Hume along Fodor’s lines rely on a problematic, albeit inspiring, construction of Hume’s science of mind. My strategy in this paper is to contrast Fodor’s understanding of the Humean mind (consonant with the widely received view of Hume in both cognitive science and (...)
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    Introduction.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):1-4.
    In this paper I reconstruct the central concept of the young Lukács’s and Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge, as they present it in their writings in the early decades of the twentieth century. I argue that this concept, namely Weltanschauung, is used to refer to some conceptually unstructured totality of feelings, which they take to be a condition of possibility of intellectual production, and this understanding is contrasted to an alternative construal of the term that presents it as logically structured, quasi-theoretical (...)
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    Newton for philosophers: Andrew Janiak and Eric Schliesser : Interpreting Newton: Critical essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 439pp, £70.00/$120.00 HB, £27.99/$49.99 pb.Tamás Demeter - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):249-253.
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    On Smith's Method.Tamás Demeter - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (3):245-248.
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  38. The Anatomy and Physiology of Mind: Hume's Vitalistic Account.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - In H. F. J. Horstmanshoff, H. King & C. Zittel (eds.), Blood, Sweat and Tears - The Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity Into Early Modern Europe. Brill Academic.
    In this paper I challenge the widely held view which associates Hume’s philosophy with mechanical philosophies of nature and particularly with Newton. This view presents Hume’s account of the human mind as passive receiver of impressions which bring into motion, from the outside, a mental machinery whose functioning is described in terms of mechanical causal principles. Instead, I propose an interpretation which suggests that for Hume the human mind is composed of faculties that can be characterized by their active contribution (...)
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    Ebü’l-Hasan el-Eşʿarî’ye Göre Rü’yetullah.Mehmet Taşdelen - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):334-361.
    Rü’yetullah, insanın fizyolojik gözüyle Allah’ı görmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Bu tartışmayı Kur’an’daki âyetlerden ve Hz. Peygamber’in sözlerinden hareketle erken döneme kadar götürmek mümkünse de asıl olarak Cehm b. Safvan’ın (ö. 128/745-46) rü’yetullahın mümkün olmayacağını ileri sürmesiyle gün yüzüne çıkmış, Muʿtezile’nin de bu görüşü desteleyerek Allah’ı tenzihten hareketle rü’yetullahın mümkün olmayacağını söylemesiyle yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Ehl-i sünnet kelâmını başlatanlardan ve Eşʿarîliğin kurucusu olan Ebü’l-Hasan el-Eşʿarî’de (ö. 324/935-36) Allah’ın baş gözüyle görüleceği üzerinde durmuştur. Allah’ın görülmesi meselesi Ehl-i sünnetin genelinde olduğu gibi Eşʿarî’de (...)
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    Felsefe Kültürü ve Sözlü Geleneğin İmkanı.Vefa Taşdelen - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1283-1283.
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    Rainer Maria Rilke ve Hilmi Yavuz'un Poetikaları Üzerine Bir Karşılaştırma Dene.Vefa Taşdelen - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):594-594.
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  42. Enlarging the Bounds of Moral Philosophy.Tamás Demeter - 2014 - In Zvi Biener Eric Schliesser (ed.), Newton and Empiricism. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    In Opticks, Newton notes that by following the method of analysis and synthesis, ’the bounds of moral philosophy will also be enlarged’. Hume’s Treatise fulfills this vision, albeit with significant caveats. The chapter argues: 1) Hume’s affinity with Newton is primarily methodological, and Hume’s project is closer to the Queries of Opticks than to the Principia. 2) For Hume, moral philosophy is an experimental study of moral beings qua moral beings which results in ‘an anatomy of the mind’ embodying an (...)
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  43. Post-Mechanical Explanation in the Natural and Moral Sciences: The Language of Nature and Human Nature in David Hume and William Cullen.Tamás Demeter - 2014 - Jahrbuch für Europäische Wissenschaftskultur 7.
    It is common wisdom in intellectual history that eighteenth-century science of man evolved under the aegis of Newton. It is also frequently suggested that David Hume, one of the most influential practitioners of this kind of inquiry, aspired to be the Newton of the moral sciences. Usually this goes hand in hand with a more or less explicit reading of Hume’s theory of human nature as written in an idiom of particulate inert matter and active forces acting on it, i.e. (...)
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    Conflicting values of inquiry: ideologies of epistemology in early modern Europe.Tamás Demeter (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Conflicting Values of Inquiry explores how certain non-epistemic values had been turned into epistemic ones, how they had an effect on epistemic content, and how they became ideologies of knowledge playing various roles in inquiry and application throughout early modern Europe.
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    Liberty, necessity and the foundations of Hume’s ‘science of man’.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (1):15-31.
    In this article I suggest that section VIII of Hume’s Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding could be read as a contribution to the foundational issues of a characteristic 18th-century enterprise, namely the ‘science of man’. More specifically, it can be read as a summary of his attempt to place this science on an experimental footing, with an awareness of the lessons he has drawn in the previous sections of the Enquiry. This interpretation fits with an overall reading of the work as (...)
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    Muammar b. Abbād al-Sulamī’s Approach to the Nature of Things.Demet Aydin - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):744-762.
    Muammar b. Abbād al-Sulamī (d.215/830) was one of the most influential figures of his time in terms of recognizing things and making sense of the changes in the universe, which occupies an important place in Islamic thought. Muammar, who was a Basra Mu'tazilite, appears especially with his naturalistic ideas. What makes him stand out is that he also embraced atomism. Although the atomist conception was of foreign origin, the theologians revised it according to their theological views. This view was also (...)
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    Introduction – Between Physiology and Ethics: The ‘Science of Man’ as a Middle-Range Discipline.Tamás Demeter - 2017 - Early Science and Medicine 22 (2-3):125-129.
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    Mehmet Kaplan ve Nihad S'mi Banarlı’da Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültürel Kimlik.Demet KOÇYİĞİT - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):444-469.
    Mehmet Kaplan ve Nihad Sâmi Banarlı’nın kültürel kimlikle ilgili görüşlerini inceleyen bu çalışma yakın dönem Türk tarihinde kültürel kimlik düşüncesinin değişim sürecinin anlaşılmasına katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla 1940’lardan 1980’lere uzanan ve birer seçki niteliği taşıyan, Mehmet Kaplan’ın Kültür ve Dil, Nihad Sâmi Banarlı’nın ise Türkçenin Sırları adlı eserlerine odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmada Türkiye’de kimlik ve kültürle ilgili tartışmalar üzerinde kısaca durulmakta; Kaplan ve Banarlı’nın çalışmalarında kültürün konumundan söz edilmektedir. Ardından literatürden hareketle kültür ve kimlik kavramları ele alınmakta; Kaplan ve Banarlı’nın Türkiye’nin (...)
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    Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy: In Honour of J.C. Nyiri.Tamás Demeter (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy is presented for the 60th birthday of professor Christoph Nyíri. The essays presented here for the first time are focused on Austrian intellectual history, and on Wittgenstein's philosophy - the two main areas of Professor Nyíri's interests. Typically, the contributors are outstanding scholars of the field, including among others David Bloor, Lee Congdon, Newton Garver, Wilhelm Lütterfields, Joachim Schulte, Barry Smith. The volume is of primary interest for Wittgenstein scholars and those studying the 19th (...)
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    The Science in Hume's Science of Man.Tamás Demeter - 2020 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (3):257-271.
    This paper sketches a recently emerging divide between two interpretations of Hume's methodology and philosophy of science. On the first interpretation Hume relies on an inductive methodology and provides a (Newtonian) dynamic theory of the mind, and his philosophy of science reflects this methodology. On the second, Hume relies on inferences to the best explanation via comparative analysis of instances, and offers an anatomy of the mind relying on a chemical and organic imagery. The paper also aspires to lean the (...)
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